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Ultra-sensitive skin

The skin reflects our emotions. Discomfort, warmth, tingling, itching sensations, redness are the signs of sensitive or intolerant skin which can sometimes cause discomfort on a daily basis and difficulty in relations with others.

A word from the experts

Sensitive skin is skin that reacts excessively to different stimulations. It is said to be hyperreactive. It’s not really a skin type, but rather a skin condition. Indeed, sensitive skin is not necessarily dry, and it can also be a temporary condition. This is referred to as intolerant skin when the sensitivity is constant.

Dr Emmanuelle Lemery, Noreva R&D Manager

What type of skin are you?

Click the major sign that relates to you, the one that bothers you the most and find out your dry skin type:

The Noreva answer?



A pioneer in the world of sensitive skin care products, Sensidiane® is the first soothing range providing sensitive to intolerant skin with a significant soothing effect while giving the skin essential hydration and nutrition.


Neutrazen Pro

One of the leading active ingredients in the Sensidiane® range is Neutrazen Pro which effectively regulates skin sensitivity and limits signs of irritation.

Range suitable for sensitive to intolerant skin
UHT patent unique for Palpebral care

Discover the range

The typical routine

Sensitive skin routine




Localised or widespread redness, noticeable unsightly veins, flushing or feeling overheated are all uncomfortable and visible signs experienced by rosacea-prone skin. The impact on psychological well-being is significant as these visible skin symptoms are often tied up with certain emotions


Innovation & Technology

Localised or widespread redness, noticeable unsightly veins, flushing or feeling overheated are all uncomfortable and visible issues experienced by rosacea-prone sensitive skin.

Noreva Laboratories have developed Sensidiane® AR+, the soothing range, which regulates skin sensitivity and reduces the appearance of redness.
Enriched with hyaluronic acid, Sensidiane® AR+ products strengthen the skin’s natural defences and deliver hydration, comfort and suppleness with lasting effect.

Rosacea-prone sensitive skin

Discover the range

The typical routine

Routine for sensitive to intolerant skin


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