Ultra-sensitive skin
The skin reflects our emotions. Discomfort, warmth, tingling, itching sensations, redness are the signs of sensitive or intolerant skin which can sometimes cause discomfort on a daily basis and difficulty in relations with others.
A word from the experts
Sensitive skin is skin that reacts excessively to different stimulations. It is said to be hyperreactive. It’s not really a skin type, but rather a skin condition. Indeed, sensitive skin is not necessarily dry, and it can also be a temporary condition. This is referred to as intolerant skin when the sensitivity is constant.
Dr Emmanuelle Lemery, Noreva R&D Manager
What type of skin are you?
Click the major sign that relates to you, the one that bothers you the most and find out your dry skin type:
The Noreva answer?
The typical routine

Sensitive skin routine
The typical routine

Routine for sensitive to intolerant skin