Noreva & Me
As a thank you for your loyalty, Laboratoires Noreva offers you 1 free product with every 5 products purchased.
How do I receive my free
Noreva product* ?
- Download and print our loyalty card
- Enter your contact details
- Attach your proofs of purchase (receipts)
- Choose your free product
- Return your completed loyalty card to the following address:
- Laboratoires Noreva – Service Marketing
- 5, rue Louis Blériot – ZI Le Brézet 63017 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex2 France
Your free product
*Offer valid on the entire Noreva range (excluding hand cream and lip stick). Any incomplete request cannot be honoured. Offer only available to people residing in metropolitan France while stocks last. If you do not specify your chosen gift, you will automatically be given the hand cream.